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From Reconnect Knowledge Base

The Reconnect knowlewdge base is a membership based resource. Members are able to add and edit articles, though changes and additions require approval by an editor. All additions and edits should be made in line with the article guidelines.

The Reconnect knowledge base aims to provide evidence-based information about the treatment and risk management of individuals with high levels of interpersonal dysfunction. It is aimed at staff working in services working with these individuals. Because the information needs to be accessible to new staff, and because these staff often come from different backgrounds (e.g. mental health, offender management, social services etc.), the key topics begin at an introductory level that requires little prior knowledge.

One starting point for exploring the knowledge base is the three strands model. In this model interventions are seen as being concurrently focused on:

Toolkits for specific types of Intervention High-harm IPV perpetration interventionsStalker interventions
Toolkits for specific tasks Assessment Risk management Multi-agency collaboration Reflective practice

Some of the articles in this knowledge base are combined to form various toolkits. These toolkits have been developed to support different aspects of this work and contain links to session guides, worksheets and other resources.

There are also articles that are more theoretical in their approach. These articles usually have an emphasis on the implications of research for practice.